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Looper variable namespaces

Populating the templates

Looper creates job scripts using concentric templates consisting of a command template and a submission template. This layered design allows us to decouple the computing environment from the pipeline, which improves portability. The task of running jobs can be thought of as simply populating the templates with variables. These variables are pooled from several sources:

  1. the command line, where the user provides any on-the-fly variables for a particular run.
  2. the PEP, which provides information on the project and samples.
  3. the pipeline interface, which provides information on the pipeline to run.
  4. the divvy config file, which provides information on the computing environment.

Variables from these sources are used to populate the templates to construct the commands to run. To keep things organized, looper groups the variables into namespaces. These namespaces are used first to populate the command template, which produces a built command. This command is then treated as a variable in itself, which is pooled with the other variables to populate the submission template. Looper provides 6 variable namespaces for populating the templates:

1. project

The project namespace contains all PEP config attributes. For example, if you have a config file like this:

pep_version: 2.0.0
my_variable: 123

Then project.my_variable would have value 123. You can use the project namespace to refer to any information in the project. You can use project.looper to refer to any attributes in the looper section of the PEP.

2. sample or samples

For sample-level pipelines, the sample namespace contains all PEP post-processing sample attributes for the given sample. For project-level pipelines, looper constructs a single job for an entire project, so there is no sample namespace; instead, there is a samples (plural) namespace, which is a list of all the samples in the project. This can be useful if you need to iterate through all the samples in your command template.

3. pipeline

Everything under pipeline in the pipeline interface for this pipeline. This simply provides a convenient way to annotate pipeline-level variables for use in templates.

4. looper

The looper namespace consists of automatic variables created by looper:


  • output_dir -- parent output directory provided in project.looper.output_dir in the project configuration file
  • results_subdir -- the path to the results directory. It is a sub directory of output_dir called project.looper.results_subdir or "results_pipeline" by default
  • sample_output_folder -- a sample-specific or project-specific output folder (results_subdir/sample.sample_name)
  • piface_dir -- directory the pipeline interface has been read from
  • pep_config -- path to the project configuration file used for this looper run
  • log_file -- an automatically created log file path, to be stored in the looper submission subdirectory


  • total_input_size -- the sum of file sizes for all files marked as input files in the input schema
  • command -- the result of populating the command template
  • job_name -- job name made by concatenating the pipeline identifier and unique sample name

The looper.command value is what enables the two-layer template system, whereby the output of the command template is used as input to the submission template.

5. compute

The compute namespace consists of a group of variables relevant for computing resources. The compute namespace has a unique behavior: it aggregates variables from several sources in a priority order, overriding values with more specific ones as priority increases. The list of variable sources in priority order is:

  1. Looper CLI (--compute or --settings for on-the-fly settings) e.g. looper run --looper-config .your_config.yaml --package slurm --compute PARTITION=standard time='01-00:00:00' cores='32' mem='32000'
  2. PEP config, project.looper.compute section
  3. Pipeline interface, compute section
  4. Activated divvy compute package (--package CLI argument)

So, the compute namespace is first populated with any variables from the selected divvy compute package. It then updates this with settings given in the compute section of the pipeline interface. It then updates from the PEP project.looper.compute, and then finally anything passed to --compute on the looper CLI. This provides a way to modulate looper behavior at the level of a computing environment, a pipeline, a project, or a run, in that order.

6. pipestat

The pipestat namespace consists of a group of variables that reflect the pipestat configuration for a submission.

  1. results_file (pipestat.results_file)
  2. record_identifier (pipestat.record_identifier)
  3. config (pipestat.config_file)

Mapping variables to submission templates using divvy adapters

One remaining issue is how to map variables from the looper variable namespaces onto the variables used in divvy templates. Divvy is decoupled from looper, and its templates are completely customizable, so they do not necessarily understand how to connect to looper variables into divvy templates. The default divvy templates use variables like {CODE}, {JOBNAME}, and {LOGFILE}, among others. A user may customize rename these or add custom variables names in divvy templates. How do we map the looper variables onto these arbitrary divvy template variables? Through divvy adapters.

These variables are linked to looper namespaces via divvy adapters. Here are the default divvy adapters:

  CODE: looper.command
  JOBNAME: looper.job_name
  CORES: compute.cores
  LOGFILE: looper.log_file
  TIME: compute.time
  MEM: compute.mem
  DOCKER_ARGS: compute.docker_args
  DOCKER_IMAGE: compute.docker_image
  SINGULARITY_IMAGE: compute.singularity_image
  SINGULARITY_ARGS: compute.singularity_args

The divvy adapters is a section in the divvy configuration file that links the divvy template variable (left side) to any other arbitrary variable names (right side). This example, we've populated the adapters with links to the namespaced input variables provided by looper (right side). You can adjust this section in your configuration file to map any variables into your submission template.

Best practices on storing compute variables

Since compute variables can be stored in several places, it can be confusing to know where you should put things. Here are some guidelines:

Partition or queue name

Because the partition or queue name is relative to your environment, we don't usually specify this in the resources section, but rather, in the pepenv config.

DIVCFG config file

Variables that describes settings of a compute environment should go in the DIVCFG file. Any attributes in the activated compute package will be available to populate template variables. For example, the partition attribute is specified in many of our default DIVCFG files; that attribute is used to populate a template {PARTITION} variable. This is what enables pipelines to work in any compute environment, since we have no control over what your partitions are named. You can also use this to change SLURM queues on-the-fly.

Pipeline interface

Variables that are specific to a pipeline can be defined in the pipeline interface file, compute section.As an example of a variable pulled from the compute section, we defined in our pipeline_interface.yaml a variable pointing to the singularity or docker image that can be used to run the pipeline, like this:

  singularity_image: /absolute/path/to/images/image

Now, this variable will be available for use in a template as {SINGULARITY_IMAGE}. This makes sense to put in the pipeline interface because it is specific to this pipeline. This path should probably be absolute, because a relative path will be interpreted as relative to the working directory where your job is executed (not relative to the pipeline interface). This section is also useful for adjusting the amount of resources we need to request from a resource manager like SLURM. For example: {MEM}, {CORES}, and {TIME} are all defined frequently in this section, and they vary for different input file sizes.

Project config

Finally, project-level variables can also be populated from the compute section of a project config file. This would enable you to make project-specific compute changes (such as billing a particular project to a particular SLURM resource account).