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Pipeline interface specification

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To run an arbitrary pipeline, we require a formal specification for how the pipeline is run. We define this using a pipeline interface file. It maps attributes of a PEP project or sample to the pipeline CLI arguments. Thus, it defines the interface between the project metadata (the PEP) and the pipeline itself.

Overview of pipeline interface components

A pipeline interface may contain the following keys:

  • pipeline_name (REQUIRED) - A string identifying the pipeline.
  • sample_interface OR project_interface (REQUIRED) - which will hold the command_template (REQUIRED) variable with a Jinja2 template used to construct a pipeline command to run.
  • input_schema (RECOMMENDED) - A PEP Schema formally defining required inputs for the pipeline
  • output_schema (RECOMMENDED) - A schema describing the outputs of the pipeline, for pipestat-compatible pipelines.
  • compute (RECOMMENDED) - Settings for computing resources
  • var_templates (OPTIONAL) - A mapping of Jinja2 templates and corresponding names, typically used to parameterize plugins
  • pre_submit (OPTIONAL) - A mapping that defines the pre-submission tasks to be executed.

Example pipeline interface

pipeline_name: RRBS
  pipeline: "{looper.piface_dir}/"
  sample_info: "{looper.piface_dir}/{}/info.txt"
input_schema: path/to/rrbs_schema.yaml
  command_template: >
    {pipeline.var_templates.pipeline} --input {sample.data_path} --info {pipeline.sample_info.path}

Details of pipeline interface components


The pipeline_name is arbitrary. It should be unique for each pipeline. Looper uses it for a few things:

  1. to construct the job_name variable (accessible via { looper.job_name }). See looper variable namespaces in advanced computing for more details.

  2. to check for flags. For pipelines that produce flags, looper will be aware of them and not re-submit running jobs.

  3. to communicate with the user. In log files, or on the screen, this name will be the string used to identify the pipeline to the user.

sample_interface and project_interface

Looper can run 2 kinds of pipeline: sample pipelines run once per sample; project pipelines run once per project. The pipeline interface should define either a sample_interface, a project_interface, or both. You must nest the command_template under a sample_interface or project_interface key to let looper know at which level to run the pipeline.

When a user invokes looper run, looper reads data under sample_interface and will create one job template per sample. In contrast, when a user invokes looper runp, looper reads data under project_interface and creates one job per project (one job total).

The only other difference is that the sample-level command template has access to the {sample.<attribute>} namespace, whereas the project-level command template has access to the {samples} array.


The command template is the most critical part of the pipeline interface. It is a Jinja2 template for the command to run for each sample. Within the command_template, you have access to variables from several sources. These variables are divided into namespaces depending on the variable source. You can access the values of these variables in the command template using the single-brace jinja2 template language syntax: {namespace.variable}. For example, looper automatically creates a variable called job_name, which you may want to pass as an argument to your pipeline. You can access this variable with {looper.job_name}. The available namespaces are described in detail in the advanced computing guide.

Because it's based on Jinja2, command templates are extremely flexible. For example, optional arguments can be accommodated using Jinja2 syntax, like this:

command_template: >
  --sample-name {sample.sample_name}
  --genome {sample.genome}
  --input {sample.read1}
  --single-or-paired {sample.read_type}
  {% if sample.read2 is defined %} --input2 {sample.read2} {% endif %}
  {% if sample.peak_caller is defined %} --peak-caller {sample.peak_caller} {% endif %}
  {% if sample.FRIP_ref is defined %} --frip-ref-peaks {sample.FRIP_ref} {% endif %}

The arguments wrapped in these Jinja2 conditionals will only be added if the specified attribute exists for the sample.


The input schema formally specifies the input processed by this pipeline. The input schema serves 2 related purposes:

  1. Validation. Looper uses the input schema to ensure that the project fulfills all pipeline requirements before submitting any jobs. Looper uses the PEP validation tool, eido, to validate input data by ensuring that input samples have the attributes and input files required by the pipeline. Looper will only submit a sample pipeline if the sample validates against the pipeline's input schema.

  2. Description. The input schema is also useful to describe the inputs, including both required and optional inputs, thereby providing a standard way to describe a pipeline's inputs. In the schema, the pipeline author can describe exactly what the inputs mean, making it easier for users to learn how to structure a project for the pipeline.

Details for how to write a schema in writing a schema. The input schema format is an extended PEP JSON-schema validation framework, which adds several capabilities, including

  • required (optional): A list of sample attributes (columns in the sample table) that must be defined
  • tangible (optional): A list of sample attributes that point to input files that must exist.
  • sizing (optional): A list of sample attributes that point to input files that are not necessarily required, but if they exist, should be counted in the total size calculation for requesting resources.

If no input_schema is included in the pipeline interface, looper will not be able to validate the samples and will simply submit each job without validation.

Here is an example input schema:

Example input_schema.yaml
description: A PEP for ATAC-seq samples for the PEPATAC pipeline.
    type: array
      type: object
          type: string
          description: "Name of the sample"
          type: string
          description: "Organism"
          type: string
          description: "Must be an ATAC-seq or DNAse-seq sample"
          type: string
          description: "Refgenie genome registry identifier"
          type: string
          description: "Is this single or paired-end data?"
          enum: ["SINGLE", "PAIRED"]
            - type: string
              description: "Fastq file for read 1"
            - type: array
                type: string
            - type: string
              description: "Fastq file for read 2 (for paired-end experiments)"
            - type: array
                type: string
        - read1
        - read1
        - read2
        - sample_name
        - protocol
        - read1
        - genome
  - samples


The output schema formally specifies the output produced by this pipeline. It is used by downstream tools to that need to be aware of the products of the pipeline for further visualization or analysis. Beginning with Looper 1.6.0 and Pipestat 0.6.0, the output schema is a JSON-schema: pipestat schema specification.

Here is an example output schema:

Example output_schema.yaml
title: An example output schema
description: A pipeline that uses pipestat to report sample and project level results.
type: object
  pipeline_name: "default_pipeline_name"
    type: array
      type: object
          type: integer
          description: "Number of things"
          type: number
          description: "Percentage of things"
          type: string
          description: "Name of something"
          type: boolean
          description: "Is the switch on or off"
          type: string
          description: "MD5SUM of an object"
          highlight: true
          description: "This store collection of values or objects"
          type: array
                  description: "This is an example file"
                  $ref: "#/$defs/file"
          type: object
              description: "This is an example file"
              $ref: "#/$defs/file"
              description: "This is an example image"
              $ref: "#/$defs/image"
          description: "Object output"
          type: object
          description: First Level
              type: object
              description: Second Level
                  type: integer
                  description: Third Level
          $ref: "#/$defs/file"
          description: "This a path to the output file"
          $ref: "#/$defs/image"
          description: "This a path to the output image"
    type: object
    object_type: image
        type: string
        type: string
        type: string
      - path
      - thumbnail_path
      - title
    type: object
    object_type: file
        type: string
        type: string
      - path
      - title
Looper uses the output schema in its report function, which produces a browsable HTML report summarizing the pipeline results. The output schema provides the relative locations to sample-level and project-level outputs produced by the pipeline, which looper can then integrate into the output results. If the output schema is not included, the looper report will be unable to locate and integrate the files produced by the pipeline and will therefore be limited to simple statistics.


The compute section of the pipeline interface provides a way to set compute settings at the pipeline level. These variables can then be accessed in the command template. They can also be overridden by values in the PEP config, or on the command line.

There is one reserved attribute under compute with specialized behavior -- size_dependent_variables which we'll now describe in detail.


The size_dependent_variables section lets you specify variables with values that are modulated based on the total input file size for the run. This is typically used to add variables for memory, CPU, and clock time to request, if they depend on the input file size. Specify variables by providing a relative path to a .tsv file that defines the variables as columns, with input sizes as rows.

The pipeline interface simply points to a tsv file:

pipeline_type: sample
  pipeline: {looper.piface_dir}/
command_template: >
  {pipeline.var_templates.pipeline} ...
  size_dependent_variables: resources-sample.tsv

The resources-sample.tsv file consists of a file with at least 1 column called max_file_size. Add any other columns you wish, each one will represent a new attribute added to the compute namespace and available for use in your command template. Here's an example:

max_file_size cores mem time
0.001 1 8000  00-04:00:00
0.05  2 12000 00-08:00:00
0.5 4 16000 00-12:00:00
1 8 16000 00-24:00:00
10  16  32000 02-00:00:00
NaN 32  32000 04-00:00:00

This example will add 3 variables: cores, mem, and time, which can be accessed via {compute.cores}, {compute.mem}, and {compute.time}. Each row defines a "packages" of variable values. Think of it like a group of steps of increasing size. For a given job, looper calculates the total size of the input files (which are defined in the input_schema). Using this value, looper then selects the best-fit row by iterating over the rows until the calculated input file size does not exceed the max_file_size value in the row. This selects the largest resource package whose max_file_size attribute does not exceed the size of the input file. Max file sizes are specified in GB, so 5 means 5 GB.

This final line in the resources tsv must include NaN in the max_file_size column, which serves as a catch-all for files larger than the largest specified file size. Add as many resource sets as you want.


This section can consist of variable templates that are rendered and can be reused. The namespaces available to the templates are listed in advanced computing section.

The use of var_templates is for parameterizing pre-submission functions with parameters that require template rendering. This is an advanced use case.

Beginning with Looper 1.9.0, var_templates can also be nested:

    config_path: "..."
     config_path: "..."


This section can consist of two subsections: python_functions and/or command_templates, which specify the pre-submission tasks to be run before the main pipeline command is submitted. Please refer to the pre-submission hooks system section for a detailed explanation of this feature and syntax.

Validating a pipeline interface

A pipeline interface can be validated using JSON Schema against Looper automatically validates pipeline interfaces at submission initialization stage.