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Usage reference

Pipestat offers a CLI that can be access via the pipestat command in the shell. It offers complete control over reporting, inspecting, etc, via a series of subcommands.

Here you can see the command-line usage instructions for the main command and for each subcommand:

pipestat --help

Configure by setting PIPESTAT_CONFIG env var
version: 0.6.0
usage: pipestat [-h] [--version] [--silent] [--verbosity V] [--logdev]

pipestat - report pipeline results

positional arguments:
    report              Report a result.
    inspect             Inspect a database.
    remove              Remove a result.
    retrieve            Retrieve a result.
    status              Manage pipeline status.
    init                Initialize generic config file
    summarize           Generates HTML Report
    link                Create symlinks of reported files
    serve               Initializes pipestatreader API

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --silent              Silence logging. Overrides verbosity.
  --verbosity V         Set logging level (1-5 or logging module level name)
  --logdev              Expand content of logging message format.

Pipestat standardizes reporting of pipeline results and pipeline status
management. It formalizes a way for pipeline developers and downstream tools
developers to communicate -- results produced by a pipeline can easily and
reliably become an input for downstream analyses. A PipestatManager object
exposes an API for interacting with the results and pipeline status and can be
backed by either a YAML-formatted file or a database.

pipestat report --help

Configure by setting PIPESTAT_CONFIG env var
usage: pipestat report [-h] [-n N] [-f F] [-c C] [-a] [-s S] [--status-schema ST]
                       [--flag-dir FD] [-p P] -i I [-r R] -v V [-o] [-t]

Report a result.

  -h, --help                   show this help message and exit
  -n N, --project-name N       Name of the pipeline to report result for. If not provided
                               'PIPESTAT_PROJECT_NAME' env var will be used. Currently not
  -f F, --results-file F       Path to the YAML file where the results will be stored.
                               This file will be used as pipestat backend and to restore
                               the reported results across sessions
  -c C, --config C             Path to the YAML configuration file. If not provided
                               'PIPESTAT_CONFIG' env var will be used. Currently not set
  -a, --database-only          Whether the reported data should not be stored in the
                               memory, only in the database.
  -s S, --schema S             Path to the schema that defines the results that can be
                               reported. If not provided 'PIPESTAT_RESULTS_SCHEMA' env var
                               will be used. Currently not set
  --status-schema ST           Path to the status schema. Default will be used if not
                               provided: /home/drc/GITHUB/pipestat/pipestat/venv/lib/pytho
  --flag-dir FD                Path to the flag directory in case YAML file is the
                               pipestat backend.
  -p P, --pipeline-type P      project or sample level pipeline type.
  -i I, --result-identifier I  ID of the result to report; needs to be defined in the
  -r R, --record-identifier R  ID of the record to report the result for. If not provided
                               'PIPESTAT_RECORD_IDENTIFIER' env var will be used.
                               Currently not set
  -v V, --value V              Value of the result to report
  -o, --overwrite              Whether the result should override existing ones in case of
                               name clashes
  -t, --skip-convert           Whether skip result type conversion into the required class
                               in case it does not meet the schema requirements

pipestat inspect --help

Configure by setting PIPESTAT_CONFIG env var
usage: pipestat inspect [-h] [-n N] [-f F] [-c C] [-a] [-s S] [--status-schema ST]
                        [--flag-dir FD] [-p P] [-d]

Inspect a database.

  -h, --help               show this help message and exit
  -n N, --project-name N   Name of the pipeline to report result for. If not provided
                           'PIPESTAT_PROJECT_NAME' env var will be used. Currently not set
  -f F, --results-file F   Path to the YAML file where the results will be stored. This
                           file will be used as pipestat backend and to restore the
                           reported results across sessions
  -c C, --config C         Path to the YAML configuration file. If not provided
                           'PIPESTAT_CONFIG' env var will be used. Currently not set
  -a, --database-only      Whether the reported data should not be stored in the memory,
                           only in the database.
  -s S, --schema S         Path to the schema that defines the results that can be
                           reported. If not provided 'PIPESTAT_RESULTS_SCHEMA' env var
                           will be used. Currently not set
  --status-schema ST       Path to the status schema. Default will be used if not
  --flag-dir FD            Path to the flag directory in case YAML file is the pipestat
  -p P, --pipeline-type P  project or sample level pipeline type.
  -d, --data               Whether to display the data

pipestat remove --help

Configure by setting PIPESTAT_CONFIG env var
usage: pipestat remove [-h] [-n N] [-f F] [-c C] [-a] [-s S] [--status-schema ST]
                       [--flag-dir FD] [-p P] -i I [-r R]

Remove a result.

  -h, --help                   show this help message and exit
  -n N, --project-name N       Name of the pipeline to report result for. If not provided
                               'PIPESTAT_PROJECT_NAME' env var will be used. Currently not
  -f F, --results-file F       Path to the YAML file where the results will be stored.
                               This file will be used as pipestat backend and to restore
                               the reported results across sessions
  -c C, --config C             Path to the YAML configuration file. If not provided
                               'PIPESTAT_CONFIG' env var will be used. Currently not set
  -a, --database-only          Whether the reported data should not be stored in the
                               memory, only in the database.
  -s S, --schema S             Path to the schema that defines the results that can be
                               reported. If not provided 'PIPESTAT_RESULTS_SCHEMA' env var
                               will be used. Currently not set
  --status-schema ST           Path to the status schema. Default will be used if not
                               provided: /home/drc/GITHUB/pipestat/pipestat/venv/lib/pytho
  --flag-dir FD                Path to the flag directory in case YAML file is the
                               pipestat backend.
  -p P, --pipeline-type P      project or sample level pipeline type.
  -i I, --result-identifier I  ID of the result to report; needs to be defined in the
  -r R, --record-identifier R  ID of the record to report the result for. If not provided
                               'PIPESTAT_RECORD_IDENTIFIER' env var will be used.
                               Currently not set

pipestat retrieve --help

Configure by setting PIPESTAT_CONFIG env var
usage: pipestat retrieve [-h] [-n N] [-f F] [-c C] [-a] [-s S] [--status-schema ST]
                         [--flag-dir FD] [-p P] [-r R]

Retrieve a result.

  -h, --help                   show this help message and exit
  -n N, --project-name N       Name of the pipeline to report result for. If not provided
                               'PIPESTAT_PROJECT_NAME' env var will be used. Currently not
  -f F, --results-file F       Path to the YAML file where the results will be stored.
                               This file will be used as pipestat backend and to restore
                               the reported results across sessions
  -c C, --config C             Path to the YAML configuration file. If not provided
                               'PIPESTAT_CONFIG' env var will be used. Currently not set
  -a, --database-only          Whether the reported data should not be stored in the
                               memory, only in the database.
  -s S, --schema S             Path to the schema that defines the results that can be
                               reported. If not provided 'PIPESTAT_RESULTS_SCHEMA' env var
                               will be used. Currently not set
  --status-schema ST           Path to the status schema. Default will be used if not
                               provided: /home/drc/GITHUB/pipestat/pipestat/venv/lib/pytho
  --flag-dir FD                Path to the flag directory in case YAML file is the
                               pipestat backend.
  -p P, --pipeline-type P      project or sample level pipeline type.
  -r R, --record-identifier R  ID of the record to report the result for. If not provided
                               'PIPESTAT_RECORD_IDENTIFIER' env var will be used.
                               Currently not set

pipestat status --help

Configure by setting PIPESTAT_CONFIG env var
usage: pipestat status [-h] {set,get} ...

Manage pipeline status.

positional arguments:
    set       Set status.
    get       Get status.

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

pipestat status get --help

Configure by setting PIPESTAT_CONFIG env var
usage: pipestat status get [-h] [-n N] [-f F] [-c C] [-a] [-s S] [--status-schema ST]
                           [--flag-dir FD] [-r R] [-p P]

Get status.

  -h, --help                   show this help message and exit
  -n N, --project-name N       Name of the pipeline to report result for. If not provided
                               'PIPESTAT_PROJECT_NAME' env var will be used. Currently not
  -f F, --results-file F       Path to the YAML file where the results will be stored.
                               This file will be used as pipestat backend and to restore
                               the reported results across sessions
  -c C, --config C             Path to the YAML configuration file. If not provided
                               'PIPESTAT_CONFIG' env var will be used. Currently not set
  -a, --database-only          Whether the reported data should not be stored in the
                               memory, only in the database.
  -s S, --schema S             Path to the schema that defines the results that can be
                               reported. If not provided 'PIPESTAT_RESULTS_SCHEMA' env var
                               will be used. Currently not set
  --status-schema ST           Path to the status schema. Default will be used if not
                               provided: /home/drc/GITHUB/pipestat/pipestat/venv/lib/pytho
  --flag-dir FD                Path to the flag directory in case YAML file is the
                               pipestat backend.
  -r R, --record-identifier R  ID of the record to report the result for. If not provided
                               'PIPESTAT_RECORD_IDENTIFIER' env var will be used.
                               Currently not set
  -p P, --pipeline-type P      project or sample level pipeline type.

pipestat status set --help

Configure by setting PIPESTAT_CONFIG env var
usage: pipestat status set [-h] [-n N] [-f F] [-c C] [-a] [-s S] [--status-schema ST]
                           [--flag-dir FD] [-r R] [-p P]

Set status.

positional arguments:
  status_identifier            Status identifier to set.

  -h, --help                   show this help message and exit
  -n N, --project-name N       Name of the pipeline to report result for. If not provided
                               'PIPESTAT_PROJECT_NAME' env var will be used. Currently not
  -f F, --results-file F       Path to the YAML file where the results will be stored.
                               This file will be used as pipestat backend and to restore
                               the reported results across sessions
  -c C, --config C             Path to the YAML configuration file. If not provided
                               'PIPESTAT_CONFIG' env var will be used. Currently not set
  -a, --database-only          Whether the reported data should not be stored in the
                               memory, only in the database.
  -s S, --schema S             Path to the schema that defines the results that can be
                               reported. If not provided 'PIPESTAT_RESULTS_SCHEMA' env var
                               will be used. Currently not set
  --status-schema ST           Path to the status schema. Default will be used if not
                               provided: /home/drc/GITHUB/pipestat/pipestat/venv/lib/pytho
  --flag-dir FD                Path to the flag directory in case YAML file is the
                               pipestat backend.
  -r R, --record-identifier R  ID of the record to report the result for. If not provided
                               'PIPESTAT_RECORD_IDENTIFIER' env var will be used.
                               Currently not set
  -p P, --pipeline-type P      project or sample level pipeline type.