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Pre-submission hooks


Sometimes we need to run a set-up task before submitting the main pipeline. For example, we may need to generate a particular representation of the sample metadata to be consumed by a pipeline run. Some pre-submission tasks may depend on information outside of the sample, such as compute settings. For this purpose, looper provides pre-submission hooks, which allow users to run arbitrary shell commands or Python functions before submitting the actual pipeline. These hooks have access to all of the job submission settings looper uses to populate the primary command template. They can be used in two ways: 1) to simply run required tasks, producing required output before the pipeline is run; and 2) to modify the job submission settings, which can then be used in the actual submission template.

How to specify pre-submission tasks in the pipeline interface

The pre-submission tasks to be executed are listed in the pipeline interface file under the top-level pre_submit key. The pre_submit section is divided into two subsections corresponding to two types of hooks: python_functions and command_templates. The python_functions key specifies a list of strings corresponding to Python functions to run. The command_templates key is more generic, specifying shell command templates to be executed in a subprocess. Here is an example:

    - "package_name.function_name"
    - "package_name1.function_name"
    - " --param {sample.attribute}"
    - " --param {sample.attribute1}"

Because the looper variables are the input to each task, and are also potentially modified by each task, the order of execution is critical. Execution order follows two rules: First, python_functions are always executed before command_templates; and second, the user-specified order in the pipeline interface is preserved within each subsection.

Built-in pre-submission functions

Looper ships with several included plugins that you can use as pre-submission functions without installing additional software. These plugins produce various representations of the sample metadata, which can be useful for different types of pipelines. The included plugins are described below:

Included plugin: looper.write_sample_yaml

Saves all sample metadata as a YAML file. The output file path can be customized using var_templates.sample_yaml_path. If this parameter is not provided, the file will be saved as {looper.output_dir}/submission/{sample.sample_name}_sample.yaml.


  • pipeline.var_templates.sample_yaml_path (optional): absolute path to file where YAML is to be stored.


  main: "{looper.piface_dir}/pipelines/"
  sample_yaml_path: "{looper.output_dir}/custom_sample_yamls/{sample.sample_name}.yaml"
    - looper.write_sample_yaml
command_template: >
  {pipeline.var_templates.main} ...

Included plugin: looper.write_sample_yaml_cwl

This plugin writes a sample yaml file compatible as a job input file for a CWL pipeline. This plugin allows looper to be used as a scatterer to run an independent CWL workflow for each sample in your PEP sample table. You can parametrize the plugin with a custom output file name using sample_yaml_cwl_path. If the parameter is not provided, the file will be saved in {looper.output_dir}/submission/{sample.sample_name}_sample_cwl.yaml.


  • pipeline.var_templates.sample_yaml_path (optional): absolute path to file where YAML is to be stored.


  main: "{looper.piface_dir}/pipelines/"
  sample_yaml_cwl_path: "{looper.output_dir}/custom_sample_yamls/custom_{}.yaml"
    - looper.write_sample_yaml_cwl
command_template: >
  {pipeline.var_templates.main} ...

Included plugin: looper.write_sample_yaml_prj

Saves the sample to YAML file with project reference. This plugin can be parametrized with a custom YAML directory (see "parameters" below). If the parameter is not provided, the file will be saved in {looper.output_dir}/submission/{sample.sample_name}_sample_prj.yaml.


  • pipeline.var_templates.sample_yaml_prj_path (optional): absolute path to file where YAML is to be stored.


  main: "{looper.piface_dir}/pipelines/"
  sample_yaml_prj_path: "{looper.output_dir}/custom_sample_yamls"
    - looper.write_sample_yaml_prj
command_template: >
  {pipeline.var_templates.main} ...

Included plugin: looper.write_submission_yaml

Saves all five namespaces of pre-submission to YAML file. This plugin can be parametrized with a custom YAML directory (see "parameters" below). If the parameter is not provided, the file will be saved in {looper.output_dir}/submission/{sample.sample_name}_submission.yaml.


  • pipeline.var_templates.submission_yaml_path (optional): a complete and absolute path to the directory where submission YAML representation is to be stored.

Example usage:

  main: "{looper.piface_dir}/pipelines/"
  submission_yaml_path: "{looper.output_dir}/custom_path"
    - looper.write_submission_yaml
command_template: >
  {pipeline.var_templates.main} ...

Included plugin: looper.write_custom_template

Populates an independent jinja template with values from all the available looper namespaces.


  • pipeline.var_templates.custom_template (required): a jinja template to be populated for each job.
  • pipeline.var_templates.custom_template_output (optional): path to which the populated template file will be saved. If not provided, the populated fill will be saved in `{looper.output_dir}/submission/{sample.sample_name}_config.yaml

Example usage:

  custom_template: custom_template.jinja
  custom_template_output: "{looper.output_dir}/submission/{sample.sample_name}_custom_config.yaml"
    - looper.write_custom_template
command_template: >
  {pipeline.var_templates.main} ...

Writing your own pre-submission hooks

Pre-submission tasks can be written as a Python function or a shell commands. We will explain each type below:

Python functions

Python plugin functions have access all of the metadata variables looper has access to to construct the primary command template. The Python function must obey the following rules:

  1. The Python function must take as input a namespaces object, which is a Python dict of looper variable namespaces.

  2. The function should return any updated namespace variables; or can potentially return an empty dict ({}) if no changes are intended, which may the case if the function is only used for its side effect.

Custom function input parameters: using var_templates

How can you parameterize your plugin function? Since the function will have access to all the looper variable namespaces, this means that plugin authors may require users to specify any attributes within any namespace to parametrize them. For example, a plugin that increases the compute wall time by an arbitrary amount of time may require extra_time attribute in the pipeline namespace. Users would specify this parameter like this:

pipeline_name: my_pipeline
extra_time: 3

This variable would be accessible in your python function as namespaces["pipeline"]["extra_time"]. This works, but we recommend keeping things clean by putting all required pipeline parameters into the pipeline.var_templates section. This not only keeps things tidy in a particular section, but also adds additional functionality of making these templates that can themselves refer to namespace variables, which can be very convenient. For example, a better approach would be:

pipeline_name: my_pipeline
  extra_time: 3
  plugin_path: "{looper.piface_dir}/plugin_results"

In this example you'd use namespaces["pipeline"]["var_templates"]["extra_time"] to access the user-provided parameter. Notice we included another example, plugin_path, which can refer to the {looper.piface_dir} variable. Because this variable is included under var_templates, it will be populated with any namespace variables.

The plugins need to handle incomplete parametrization, either by providing defaults or by raising exceptions.

Function output: updating submission metadata via return value

One of the features of the pre-submission hooks is that they can be used to update the looper variable namespaces so that you can use modified variables in your primary command template. This is effectively a way for a plugin function to provide output that can be used by looper. The way this works is that after every successful pre-submission hook execution, the input namespaces are updated with the return value of the hook execution. Existing values are overwritten with the returned ones, whereas omitted values are not changed. Therefore, you must simply write your function to return any updated variables in the same format as in the input function. That is, your return value should be a Python dict of looper variable namespaces

For example, given this input (which represents the looper variable namespaces):


    name: test
    size: 30
    genome: hg38
    log_file: /home/michal/my_log.txt
    job_name: test_pepatac
    submission_template: /home/michal/divvy_templates/localhost_template.sub
    submission_command: sh

Say your function returned this data:

    size: 1000
    log_file: /home/michal/Desktop/new_log.txt

Then looper would have this object available for populating the primary command template (input + returned data):

    name: test
    size: 1000
    genome: hg38
    log_file: /home/michal/Desktop/new_log.txt
    job_name: test_pepatac
    submission_template: /home/michal/divvy_templates/localhost_template.sub
    submission_command: sh

Shell command plugins

In case you need more flexibility than a Python function, you can also execute arbitrary commands as a pre-submission task. You define exactly what command you want to run, like this:

  compute_script: "{looper.piface_dir}/hooks/"
    - "{pipeline.var_templates.compute_script} --genome {sample.genome} --log-file {looper.output_dir}/log.txt"

This command_templates section specifies a list with one or more entries. Each entry specifies a command. The commands are themselves templates, just like the primary command_template, so you have access to the looper variable namespaces to put together the appropriate command. In fact, really, the other difference between these pre_submit.command_templates and the primary command_template is that the final one has access to the changes introduce in the variables by the pre_submit commands. The inputs to the script are completely user-defined -- you choose what information and how you want to pass it to your script.

Output: The output of your command should be a JSON-formatted string (str), that is processed with json.loads and subprocess.check_output as follows: json.loads(subprocess.check_output(str)). This JSON object will be used to update the looper variable namespaces.

Example: Dynamic compute parameters

In the compute section of the pipeline interface, looper allows you to specify a size_dependent_variables section, which lets you specify variables with values that are modulated based on the total input file size for the run. This is typically used to add variables for memory, CPU, and clock time to request, if they depend on the input file size. This a good example of modulating computing variables based on file size, but it is not flexible enough to allow modulated compute variables on the basis of other sample attributes. For a more flexible version, you can use a pre-submission hook.

The pre_submit.command_templates specifies a list of Jinja2 templates to construct a system command run in a subprocess. This command template has available all of the namespaces in the primary command template. The command should return a JSON object, which is then used to populate the namespaces. This allows you to specify computing variables that depend on any attributes of a project, sample, or pipeline, which can be used for ultimate flexibility in computing.


  pipeline_path: "{looper.piface_dir}/pipelines/"
  compute_script: "{looper.piface_dir}/hooks/"
    - "{pipeline.var_templates.compute_script} --genome {sample.genome} --log-file {looper.output_dir}/log.txt"
command_template: >
  {pipeline.var_templates.pipeline_path} ...

Script example:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import json
from argparse import ArgumentParser

parser = ArgumentParser(description="Test script")

parser.add_argument("-s", "--sample-size", help="Sample size", required=False)
parser.add_argument("-g", "--genome", type=str, help="Genome", required=True)
parser.add_argument("-m", "--log-file", type=str, help="Log file path", required=True)
parser.add_argument("-c", "--custom-cores", type=str, help="Force number of cores to use", required=False)
args = parser.parse_args()

y = json.dumps({
    "cores": args.custom_cores or "4",
    "mem": "10000" if args.genome == "hg38" else "20000",
    "time": "00-11:00:00",
    "logfile": args.log_file
