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How to configure pipestat back-ends


In the basic pipestat tutorial, we showed how to create a simple pipeline that could use pipestat to report results. One of the powerful features of pipestat is that you can configure it to store results in different locations. This document will cover more details about how to configure pipestat in looper:

Learning objectives

  • How do I configure pipestat to use different backends with looper?

How looper configures pipestat

As looper processes samples and creates a job submission script, if .looper.yaml config file contains pipestat section, it creates a pipestat configuration file, which merges information found in 1. pipeline interface and 2. looper_config file.

Looper combines the necessary configuration data and writes a pipestat configuration for each pipeline interface. The configuration file is then used by the pipeline interface (and pipeline) to create a PipestatManager object. This instantiated PipestatManager object can then be used to report results.

To configure looper to use pipestat, you must

1. Add pipestat section to the looper config file.

The looper config file must contain a pipestat section. This section must contain information on where to store results, which is either a file path for a results file, database credentials if using a PostgreSQL database backend, a SQLite path if using a SQLite database backend,or PEPhub registry path. Here are 4 examples showing how to configure pipestat to use different back-ends:

File back-end

pep_config: project_config_pipestat.yaml
output_dir: results
  - ./pipeline_interface1_sample_pipestat.yaml
  flag_file_dir: output/results_pipeline
  results_file_path: tmp_pipestat_results.yaml

Postgres SQL database back-end

pep_config: project_config_pipestat.yaml 
output_dir: results
  - ./pipeline_interface1_sample_pipestat.yaml
  flag_file_dir: output/results_pipeline
    dialect: postgresql
    driver: psycopg2
    name: pipestat-test
    user: postgres
    password: pipestat-password
    port: 5432

SQLite database back-end

pep_config: project_config_pipestat.yaml 
output_dir: results
  - ./pipeline_interface.yaml
  flag_file_dir: output/results_pipeline
    sqlite_url: "sqlite:///yourdatabase.sqlite3"

PEPhub back-end

pep_config: project_config_pipestat.yaml # pephub registry path or local path
output_dir: results
  - ./pipeline_interface1_sample_pipestat.yaml
  flag_file_dir: output/results_pipeline
  pephub_path: "databio/pipestat_demo:default"

2. The pipeline interface must include information required by pipestat such as pipeline_name and an output schema path:

pipeline_name: example_pipestat_pipeline
output_schema: pipeline_pipestat/pipestat_output_schema.yaml
  command_template: >
    python {looper.piface_dir}/ {sample.file} {sample.sample_name} {pipestat.results_file}

Using the above information, Looper will construct the pipestat configuration file automatically. It will have the name pipestat_config_{pipeline_name}.yaml and be placed in the results output directory. It will contain the aggregation of pipestat relevant items found in the looper config file and the pipeline interface.

example of pipestat_config_count_lines.yaml
results_file_path: /home/drc/GITHUB/hello_looper/hello_looper/pipestat_example/./results/count_lines/results.yaml
flag_file_dir: /home/drc/GITHUB/hello_looper/hello_looper/pipestat_example/./results/flags
output_dir: /home/drc/GITHUB/hello_looper/hello_looper/pipestat_example/./results
schema_path: /home/drc/GITHUB/hello_looper/hello_looper/pipestat_example/pipeline/pipestat_output_schema.yaml
pipeline_name: count_lines


  • Configure pipestat through the pipestat section on the looper config.
  • You can control where the results of your pipeline are stored by configuring pipestat's back-end.