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Configuring compute settings


So far, we’ve been running jobs with Looper in the simplest way -- sequentially on the local computer. While this approach is easy and straightforward, Looper truly shines when you need to scale up and submit jobs to a compute cluster.

To facilitate this, Looper integrates a tool called divvy, which handles job submission configuration. Divvy is automatically installed alongside Looper but can also be used independently. By leveraging Divvy, Looper provides a powerful nested template system that simplifies running jobs on any cluster resource manager (e.g., SLURM, SGE, LFS) using templates. Switching between different computing environments is also seamless. The best part is that this setup works for any Looper-compatible pipeline. Once you’ve configured your computing environment to your liking, Looper will help you deploy any pipeline in the same way.

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to configure Looper and Divvy, giving you full control over your computing resources. You'll learn how the templates work, and how you can customize them to fit just about any computing scenario. To demonstrate, we'll show you how to configure looper to submit jobs to a SLURM cluster. If you have a different system, you can edit templates and use a similar approach for any cluster resource manager.

Learning objectives

  • How does looper actually run jobs?
  • How can submit my jobs to a cluster instead of running them locally?
  • What is looper's nested template system and how can I use it to have total control over my compute settings?
  • Can I submit my pipeline to different types of clusters or in different computing environments?
  • How do I specify required resources like time or number of cores for a cluster job?

How looper job submission works

To start, let's go deeper into the details of how jobs are run in the simple case. We'll stay in the pep_derived_attrs workspace created in the previous tutorial. If you need to, you can download the folder from the hello looper repository.

Two arguments you can pass to looper run for testing are these:

  • --dry-run/-d. In dry-run mode, looper will create job scripts, but will not actually run them.
  • --limit/-l. This will limit the number of samples looper submits.

To demonstrate, run looper using these arguments:

cd pep_derived_attrs
looper run -d -l 1

If you run this, you should see output similar to this:

Command: run
Using looper config (.looper.yaml).
## [1 of 3] sample: mexico; pipeline: count_lines
Writing script to /home/nsheff/code/hello_looper/pep_derived_attrs/results/submission/count_lines_mexico.sub
Job script (n=1; 0.00Gb): /home/nsheff/code/hello_looper/pep_derived_attrs/results/submission/count_lines_mexico.sub
Dry run, not submitted

Notice that:

  • only 1 sample was processed (because we used -l 1)
  • A job script was created, but not submitted (because we used -d)

This brings up a key point about how looper works. It does not really run commands directly. Instead, it creates a job script, and then executes that script. This is true even in the simplest case, with the default compute settings. Let's look more closely at the script looper created:

cat results/submission/count_lines_mexico.sub 

echo 'Compute node:' `hostname`
echo 'Start time:' `date +'%Y-%m-%d %T'`

pipeline/ data/mexico.txt 
} | tee /home/nsheff/code/hello_looper/pep_derived_attrs/results/submission/count_lines_mexico.log

Let's see how looper is creating this file. You may recognize the highlighted line, because we've seen it before in the earlier tutoirials. It's the command we specified for how to run the pipeline, and it's coming from the pipeline interface file.

Recall in the first tutorial we created a pipeline/pipeline_interface.yaml, with this content:

pipeline_name: count_lines
  command_template: >
    pipeline/ {sample.file_path}

The command_template, after populating the variable for the first sample, becomes pipeline/ data/mexico.txt -- the line highlighted in the submission script.

But where is the rest of the submission script coming from? It's not hard coded looper boilerplate -- this is actually coming from a different template that can be configured with divvy. It's called the submission template, and what we're seeing here is the default submission template divvy uses when nothing else is specified.

Here's the default submission template provided by divvy:


echo 'Compute node:' `hostname`
echo 'Start time:' `date +'%Y-%m-%d %T'`

} | tee {LOGFILE}

This template has 2 variables, which are populated by looper. The {CODE} slot is the one being populated from the pipeline interface's command_template variable. The {LOGFILE} variable is a special variable provided by looper, which we'll get into later, but you can ignore for now.

So, these are the steps looper takes to create the final job submission script:

  1. It uses the command_template from the pipeline interface, populating it with any sample-specific information specified (like {sample.file_path})
  2. It takes the resulting value and uses it to populate the {CODE} variable in the submission_template.
  3. It writes the final template to a file, named after the pipeline and sample.

Key point

  • Looper isn't running anything directly. Rather, it's creating a script (called a submission script), and then it executes that.
  • If you use dry run mode, then it just creates the script without executing it.
  • The submission script is created in two steps, with two templates. First, the command is constructed, using the pipeline interface. Then, this command is inserted into a submission template provided by divvy. This two-layered template system is what we call looper's nested template system, and it provides a lot of powerful benefits.

Next, we'll learn how to change the submission template, so that the job gets submitted to a cluster instead of run locally.

Configuring looper for cluster submission

Initializing divvy configuration

To configure divvy (and therefore looper) for cluster computing, first create a divvy computing configuration file using divvy init. Looper looks for the divvy configuration file in the environment variable $DIVCFG, so it's best to set that up to point to your divvy configuration file, so you don't have to provide it every time you run looper. This init command will create a default config file, along with a folder of computing templates:

export DIVCFG="divvy_config.yaml"
divvy init --config $DIVCFG

Looper will now have access to your computing configuration. Add the export... line to your .bashrc or .profile to ensure the DIVCFG variable persists for future command-line sessions. You can override the DIVCFG environment variable by specifying a path with --divvy argument, like this:

looper run
  --divvy /path/to/divvy_cfg.yaml ...

On a fresh init, divvy comes pre-loaded with some built-in compute packages, which you can explore by typing divvy list. This will display the available compute packages:

divvy list
Divvy config: divvy_config.yaml


For example, there's a package called 'slurm'. The template for this package looks a little different from the one we saw above:

#SBATCH --job-name='{JOBNAME}'
#SBATCH --output='{LOGFILE}'
#SBATCH --mem='{MEM}'
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task='{CORES}'
#SBATCH --time='{TIME}'
#SBATCH --partition='{PARTITION}'
#SBATCH -m block
#SBATCH --ntasks=1

echo 'Compute node:' `hostname`
echo 'Start time:' `date +'%Y-%m-%d %T'`


This template includes directives that are understood by the SLURM scheduler (that's what the #SBATCH lines are). So the resulting submission file is going to be a SLURM script, rather than simply a shell script.

So let's re-run looper but as we did before, but this time using this new package. You select a package in a looper run command with the --package argument:

looper run -d -l 1 \
  --package slurm

Now when we view the resulting submission script, we get a very different result:

#SBATCH --job-name='count_lines_mexico'
#SBATCH --output='/home/nsheff/code/hello_looper/pep_derived_attrs/results/submission/count_lines_mexico.log'
#SBATCH --mem='{MEM}'
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task='{CORES}'
#SBATCH --time='{TIME}'
#SBATCH --partition='{PARTITION}'
#SBATCH -m block
#SBATCH --ntasks=1

echo 'Compute node:' `hostname`
echo 'Start time:' `date +'%Y-%m-%d %T'`

pipeline/ data/mexico.txt 

Of course, the template has changed to the slurm template. The {CODE} variable was correctly populated, same as before, from the pipeline interface's command_template field. But the other variables, like {MEM} and {TIME}, have not been populated. Why not? Because we haven't provided looper any values for these variables. So, how do we tell looper what to use?

Parameterizing job templates through the command-line

The simplest way is that we can provide them on the command line using --compute, e.g.:

looper run -d -l 1 \
  --package slurm  \
  --compute partition=standard time='01-00:00:00' cores='32' mem='32000'

This command will populate the variables as you expect:

#SBATCH --job-name='count_lines_mexico'
#SBATCH --output='/home/nsheff/code/hello_looper/pep_derived_attrs/results/submission/count_lines_mexico.log'
#SBATCH --mem='32000'
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task='32'
#SBATCH --time='01-00:00:00'
#SBATCH --partition='standard'
#SBATCH -m block
#SBATCH --ntasks=1

echo 'Compute node:' `hostname`
echo 'Start time:' `date +'%Y-%m-%d %T'`

pipeline/ data/mexico.txt 

Parameterizing job templates through the looper config

It can be annoying to provide compute parameters every time you want to run your jobs. It's convenient to store those settings somewhere. Luckily, looper provides a solution to this exact problem! You can specify any command-line arguments through the looper config by adding a cli section. For example, if we want to add these compute settings, we could do it like this:

pep_config: metadata/pep_config.yaml
output_dir: results
  - pipeline/pipeline_interface.yaml
      partition: standards
      time: '01-00:00:00'
      cores: '32'
      mem: '32000'

This works for other arguments as well. For example, if we want looper run to default to only running a single sample and using the slurm package, we could add these lines to our looper config:

pep_config: metadata/pep_config.yaml
output_dir: results
  - pipeline/pipeline_interface.yaml
    limit: 1
    package: slurm
      partition: standards
      time: '01-00:00:00'
      cores: '32'
      mem: '32000'

Now, we could override these by passing -p or -l on the command line. Putting default arguments into the looper config cli section allows you to avoid having to type your common settings every time. It also makes it easier to parameterize the pipeline differently for different projects.

Parameterizing job templates through the pipeline interface

Sometimes, you want the pipeline to be parameterized globally, so you don't have to worry about re-parameterizing it for different projects. You can also provide compute settings in the pipeline interface. Let's add a compute section in the pipeline interface file, like this:

pipeline_name: count_lines
  command_template: >
    pipeline/ {sample.file_path}
  partition: standard
  time: '01-00:00:00'
  cores: '32'
  mem: '32000'

Now, with this new pipeline interface, you can leave off the --compute argument to looper run, as we did before, but the variables will be populated from the pipeline interface:

looper run -d -l 1 \  # this works!
  --package slurm  \

Parameterizing through the pipeline interface is useful if the parameters are going to be the same for this pipeline, regardless of the project. But sometimes, you need to set the parameters separately for each project...


One problem with all of these methods is that they just provide the same compute parameters for every sample. What if your samples are widely different in input file size, and therefore require different parameters? If you need to change the parameters by sample, you can solve the problem through pipeline interface size-dependent variables. In many cases, the samples are roughly similar, so a single parameterization for the whole project will suffice.

So, there are several ways to provide compute parameters. Why do we need all these different places to provide compute parameters?

Because different people/roles will be editing different things.

  • the pipeline author is not necessarily the same as the person running the pipeline.
  • the pipeline author may want to provide some basic compute guidance, which can do so in the pipeline interface.
  • the person running might way to configure something for the workspace as a whole. These go in the .looper.yaml file.
  • but for a one-off run, that's different from normal, you can override with the --compute command-line argument.

The submission command

There's one final important point about how looper job submission happens. To looper, different compute packages are really not that different; if we pick the slurm package, mostly, it just means we're using a different template. But there is one other very important difference: for the local package, looper needs to submit the job using sh, whereas for the slurm package, looper submits the job with sbatch -- the command used to assign a task to the SLURM scheduler. This submission command is actually part of the compute package, and something you can specify if you create your own package. For these built-in packages, the submission commands are already appropriately populated.

Custom compute packages

For many use cases, the built-in packages will be sufficient. But a great thing about looper is that these compute packages are totally customizable. You can edit the templates, and even create your own custom compute packages. This allows you to tailor divvy/looper to any compute environment. You can find out more in the documentation on custom compute packages


  • Looper runs jobs by creating job scripts and then running them.
  • You can control the job script by choosing a different submission package
  • You can view the list of available compute packages with divvy list and choose one with looper run --package or -p.
  • You pass parameters to the submission template in several ways, such as the pipeline interface, the looper config, or on the command line with --compute.