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Setting up a development environment

PEPhub consists of 3 components: 1) A postgres database; 2) the PEPhub API; 3) the PEPhub UI.

1. Database setup

pephub stores PEPs in a POSTGRES database. Create a new pephub-compatible postgres instance locally:

docker pull postgres
docker run \
  -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres \
  -e POSTGRES_DB=pep-db \
  -p 5432:5432 \

You should now have a pephub-compatible postgres instance running at http://localhost:5432. You can use to load a directory of PEPs into the database.

2. pephub API setup


Install dependencies using pip (We suggest using virtual environments):

python -m venv venv && source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements/requirements-all.txt


pephub may be run in several ways. In every case, pephub requires configuration. Configuration settings are supplied to pephub through environment variables. The following settings are required. While pephub has built-in defaults for these settings, you should provide them to ensure compatibility:

  • POSTGRES_HOST: The hostname of the PEPhub database server
  • POSTGRES_DB: The name of the database inside the postgres server
  • POSTGRES_USER: Username for the database
  • POSTGRES_PASSWORD: Password for the user
  • POSTGRES_PORT: Port for postgres database
  • GH_CLIENT_ID: Client ID for the GitHub application that authenticates users
  • GH_CLIENT_SECRET: Client secret for the GitHub application that authenticates users
  • BASE_URI: A BASE URI of the PEPhub (e.g. localhost:8000)

You must set these environment variables prior to running PEPhub. We've provided env files inside environment which you may source to load your environment. Alternatively, you may store them locally in a .env file. This file will get loaded and exported to your environment when the server starts up. We've included an example .env file with this repository. You can read more about server settings and configuration here.

Once the configuration variables are set, run pephub natively with:

uvicorn pephub.main:app --reload

The pephub API should now be running at http://localhost:8000.

3. React PEPhub UI setup

Important: To make the development server work, you must include a .env.local file inside web/ with the following contents:


This ensures that the frontend development server will proxy requests to the backend server. You can now run the frontend development server:

cd web
npm install # yarn install
npm start # yarn dev

The pephub frontend development server should now be running at http://localhost:5173/.

3. (Optional) GitHub Authentication Client Setup

pephub uses GitHub for namespacing and authentication. As such, a GitHub application capable of logging in users is required. We've included instructions for setting up GitHub authentication locally using your own GitHub account.

4. (Optional) Vector Database Setup

We've added semantic-search capabilities to pephub. Optionally, you may host an instance of the qdrant vector database to store embeddings computed using a sentence transformer that has mined and processed any relevant metadata from PEPs. If no qdrant connection settings are supplied, pephub will default to SQL search. Read more here. To run qdrant locally, simply run the following:

docker pull qdrant/qdrant
docker run -p 6333:6333 \
    -v $(pwd)/qdrant_storage:/qdrant/storage \

Running with docker:

Option 1. Standalone docker:

If you already have a public database instance running, you can choose to build and run the server container only. A note to Apple Silicon (M1/M2) users: If you have issues running, try setting your default docker platform with export DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM=linux/amd64 to get the container to build and run properly. See this issue for more information.

1. Environment: Ensure that you have your environment properly configured. To manage secrets in your environment, we leverage pass and curated .env files. You can use our script to start your container with these .env files.

2. Build and start container:

docker build -t pephub .

Alternatively, you can inject your environment variables one-by-one:

docker run -p 8000:8000 \
 -e POSTGRES_HOST=localhost \
 -e POSTGRES_DB=pep-db \

Or, provide your own .env file:

docker run -p 8000:8000 \
 --env-file path/to/.env \

Option 2. docker compose:

The server has been Dockerized and packaged with a postgres image to be run with docker compose. This lets you run everything at once and develop without having to manage database instances.

You can start a development environment in two steps:

1. Curate your environment: Since we are running in docker, we need to supply environment variables to the container. The docker-compose.yaml file is written such that you can supply a .env file at the root with your configurations. See the example env file for reference. See here for a detailed explanation of all configurable server settings. For now, you can simply copy the env file:

cp environment/template.env .env

2. Build and start the containers:

docker compose up --build

pephub now runs/listens on http://localhost:8000
postgres now runs/listens on http://localhost:5432

3. (Optional) Utilize the load_db script to populate the database with examples/:

cd scripts
python \
--username docker \
--password password \
--database pephub

4. (Optional) GitHub Authentication Client Setup

pephub uses GitHub for namespacing and authentication. As such, a GitHub application capable of logging in users is required. We've included instructions for setting this up locally using your own GitHub account.

5. (Optional) Vector Database Setup

We've added semantic-search capabilities to pephub. Optionally, you may host an instance of the qdrant vector database to store embeddings computed using a sentence transformer that has mined and processed any relevant metadata from PEPs. If no qdrant connection settings are supplied, pephub will default to SQL search. Read more here. To run qdrant locally, simply run the following:

docker pull qdrant/qdrant
docker run -p 6333:6333 \
    -v $(pwd)/qdrant_storage:/qdrant/storage \

Note: If you wish to run the development environment with a pubic database, curate your .env file as such.