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Filters are an experimental feature and may change in future versions of eido

How to write a custom eido filter

One of eido's tasks is to provide a CLI to convert a PEP into alternative formats. These include some built-in formats, like csv (which spits out a processed csv file, with project/sample modified), yaml, and a few others. It also provides a plugin system so that you can write your own Python functions to provide custom output formats.

Custom filters

To write a custom filter, start by writing a Python package. You will need to include a function that takes a peppy.Project object as input, and prints out the custom file format. The filter functions also can require additional keyword arguments.

1. Write functions to call

The package contain one or more functions. The filter function must take a peppy.Project object and **kwargs as parameters. Example:

import peppy

def my_custom_filter(p, **kwargs):
    import re
    import sys
    import yaml

    for s in p.samples:
        sys.stdout.write("- ")
        out = re.sub('\n', '\n  ', yaml.safe_dump(s.to_dict(), default_flow_style=False))
        sys.stdout.write(out + "\n")
For reference you can check the signatures of the functions in Built-in eido Plugins Documentation. Importantly, if the function requires any arguments (always provided via **kwargs), the creator of the function should take care of handling missing/faulty input.

Next, we need to link that function in to the eido filter plugin system.

2. Add entry_points to

The file uses entry_points to specify a mapping of eido hooks to functions to call.

    "pep.filters": [


  • "FILTER_NAME" can be any unique identifier for your plugin
  • "PLUGIN_PACKAGE_NAME" must be the name of python package the holds your plugin.
  • "FUNCTION_NAME" must match the name of the function in your package

3. Install package

If you install this package, any filters provided by it will be available for use with eido, which you can see using eido filters.