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command-line tutorial

Divvy also provides a command-line interface that gives you the same power as the python API. You can use --help to get a list of the command-line options:

divvy --help
version: 0.5.0
usage: divvy [-h] [--version] [--verbosity V] [--silent] [--logdev]
             {write,init,list,submit} ...

divvy - write compute job scripts that can be submitted to any computing

positional arguments:
    write               Write a job script
    init                Initialize a new divvy config file
    list                List available compute packages
    submit              Write and then submit a job script

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --verbosity V         Set logging level (1-5 or logging module level name)
  --silent              Silence logging. Overrides verbosity.
  --logdev              Expand content of logging message format.

The list command

Let's first use divvy list to show us our available computing packages:

divvy list
Using default config. No config found in env var: ['DIVCFG', 'PEPENV']
Using divvy config: /home/nsheff/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/divvy/default_config/divvy_config.yaml
Available compute packages:


The write command

Use divvy write to actually write a new script using a template. To do this, you'll need to provide 3 things: a template (which comes from your compute package), a settings file with variables, and an outfile.

The settings file

The settings argument is where you can pass an existing yaml file with key-value pairs. Here's a simple example:

cat settings.yaml
time: 4-0-0
logfile: results.log
cores: 6
partition: large_mem
mem: 16G

Now let's take a look at the template we are going to use by activating the slurm package

cat ../divvy/default_config/divvy_templates/slurm_template.sub
#SBATCH --job-name='{JOBNAME}'
#SBATCH --output='{LOGFILE}'
#SBATCH --mem='{MEM}'
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task='{CORES}'
#SBATCH --time='{TIME}'
#SBATCH --partition='{PARTITION}'
#SBATCH -m block
#SBATCH --ntasks=1

echo 'Compute node:' `hostname`
echo 'Start time:' `date +'%Y-%m-%d %T'`


We use divvy to populate that template with our list of variables above, like this:

divvy write -p slurm -s settings.yaml -o test.sub
Using default config. No config found in env var: ['DIVCFG', 'PEPENV']
Using divvy config: /home/nsheff/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/divvy/default_config/divvy_config.yaml
Activating compute package 'slurm'
Loading settings file: settings.yaml
Writing script to /home/nsheff/code/divvy/docs_jupyter/test.sub

Now we can take a look at what our sbumission scripts looks like.

cat test.sub
#SBATCH --job-name='{JOBNAME}'
#SBATCH --output='results.log'
#SBATCH --mem='16G'
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task='6'
#SBATCH --time='4-0-0'
#SBATCH --partition='large_mem'
#SBATCH -m block
#SBATCH --ntasks=1

echo 'Compute node:' `hostname`
echo 'Start time:' `date +'%Y-%m-%d %T'`


We populated several variables, like {LOGFILE} and {TIME}, from the settings.yaml file. However, the {CODE} and {JOBNAME} variables are still unpopulated, so this submission script is incomplete. To remedy this, we'll use divvy's command-line variable passing: any non-interpreted arguments passed to divvy are assumed to be variables to populate the template. These command-line variables are considered highest priority and so will override any values in the more distant locations. For example:

divvy write -p slurm -s settings.yaml -o test.sub -c code=run-this-cmd jobname=12345 time=6-0-0
Using default config. No config found in env var: ['DIVCFG', 'PEPENV']
Using divvy config: /home/nsheff/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/divvy/default_config/divvy_config.yaml
Activating compute package 'slurm'
Loading settings file: settings.yaml
Writing script to /home/nsheff/code/divvy/docs_jupyter/test.sub
cat test.sub
#SBATCH --job-name='12345'
#SBATCH --output='results.log'
#SBATCH --mem='16G'
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task='6'
#SBATCH --time='6-0-0'
#SBATCH --partition='large_mem'
#SBATCH -m block
#SBATCH --ntasks=1

echo 'Compute node:' `hostname`
echo 'Start time:' `date +'%Y-%m-%d %T'`


Now we have a complete script, which we can run with sbatch test.sub. Notice also that the time variable uses the one provided on the CLI rather than the one provided in the settings.yaml file, because the CLI has a higher priority.

Variables can come from these 3 sources, in order of increasing priority: 1) compute package (defined in the divvy configuration file and selected with the -p or --package argument); 2) settings.yaml file, passed with -s or --settings; 3) any additional variables passed on the command line as key-value pairs to -c.

Submitting jobs

Let's try actually submitting these jobs with divvy submit:

divvy submit -p slurm -s settings.yaml -o test.sub -c code=run-this-cmd jobname=12345 time=6-0-0
Using default config. No config found in env var: ['DIVCFG', 'PEPENV']
Using divvy config: /home/nsheff/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/divvy/default_config/divvy_config.yaml
Activating compute package 'slurm'
Loading settings file: settings.yaml
Writing script to /home/nsheff/code/divvy/docs_jupyter/test.sub
sbatch test.sub
sh: 1: sbatch: not found

The slurm package uses sbatch as its submission_command, but since I'm running this locally, it won't run as I have no sbatch command available. Let's try local instead:

divvy submit -p local -s settings.yaml -o test.sub -c code=ls
Using default config. No config found in env var: ['DIVCFG', 'PEPENV']
Using divvy config: /home/nsheff/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/divvy/default_config/divvy_config.yaml
Activating compute package 'local'
Loading settings file: settings.yaml
Writing script to /home/nsheff/code/divvy/docs_jupyter/test.sub
sh test.sub
Compute node: zither
Start time: 2020-05-19 07:46:03

There I switched the command to ls, which shows you a result of everything on this computer.