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How to run a pipeline

You first have to define your project and a config file. This will give you a PEP linked to a pipeline. Next, we'll run the pipeline.

The basic command is looper run. To run your pipeline, just:

looper run --looper-config .your_looper_config.yaml

This will submit a job for each sample. That's basically all there is to it; after this, there's a lot of powerful options and tweaks you can do to control your jobs. Here we'll just mention a few of them.

  • Dry runs. You can use -d, --dry-run to create the job submission scripts, but not actually run them. This is really useful for testing that everything is set up correctly before you commit to submitting hundreds of jobs.
  • Limiting the number of jobs. You can -l, --limit to test a few before running all samples. You can also use the --selector-* arguments to select certain samples to include or exclude.
  • Grouping jobs. You can use -u, --lump or -n, --lumpn to group jobs. More details on grouping jobs.
  • Changing compute settings. You can use -p, --package, -s, --settings, or -c, --compute to change the compute templates. Read more in running on a cluster.
  • Time delay. You can stagger submissions to not overload a submission engine using --time-delay.
  • Use rerun to resubmit jobs. To run only jobs that previously failed, try looper rerun.
  • Tweak the command on-the-fly. The --command-extra arguments allow you to pass extra arguments to every command straight through from looper. See parameterizing pipelines.