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geofetch tutorial for raw data

The GSE67303 data set has about 250 mb of data across 4 samples, so it's a quick download for a test case. Let's take a quick peek at the geofetch version:

geofetch --version
geofetch 0.10.1

To see your CLI options, invoke geofetch -h:

geofetch -h
usage: geofetch [-h] [-V] -i INPUT [-n NAME] [-m METADATA_ROOT]
                [-u METADATA_FOLDER] [--just-metadata] [-r]
                [--config-template CONFIG_TEMPLATE]
                [--pipeline-samples PIPELINE_SAMPLES]
                [--pipeline-project PIPELINE_PROJECT] [-k SKIP] [--acc-anno]
                [--discard-soft] [--const-limit-project CONST_LIMIT_PROJECT]
                [--const-limit-discard CONST_LIMIT_DISCARD]
                [--attr-limit-truncate ATTR_LIMIT_TRUNCATE] [--add-dotfile]
                [-p] [--data-source {all,samples,series}] [--filter FILTER]
                [--filter-size FILTER_SIZE] [-g GEO_FOLDER] [-x]
                [-b BAM_FOLDER] [-f FQ_FOLDER] [--use-key-subset] [--silent]
                [--verbosity V] [--logdev]

Automatic GEO and SRA data downloader

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -i INPUT, --input INPUT
                        required: a GEO (GSE) accession, or a file with a list
                        of GSE numbers
  -n NAME, --name NAME  Specify a project name. Defaults to GSE number
  -m METADATA_ROOT, --metadata-root METADATA_ROOT
                        Specify a parent folder location to store metadata.
                        The project name will be added as a subfolder
                        [Default: $SRAMETA:]
                        Specify an absolute folder location to store metadata.
                        No subfolder will be added. Overrides value of
                        --metadata-root [Default: Not used (--metadata-root is
                        used by default)]
  --just-metadata       If set, don't actually run downloads, just create
  -r, --refresh-metadata
                        If set, re-download metadata even if it exists.
  --config-template CONFIG_TEMPLATE
                        Project config yaml file template.
  --pipeline-samples PIPELINE_SAMPLES
                        Optional: Specify one or more filepaths to SAMPLES
                        pipeline interface yaml files. These will be added to
                        the project config file to make it immediately
                        compatible with looper. [Default: null]
  --pipeline-project PIPELINE_PROJECT
                        Optional: Specify one or more filepaths to PROJECT
                        pipeline interface yaml files. These will be added to
                        the project config file to make it immediately
                        compatible with looper. [Default: null]
  -k SKIP, --skip SKIP  Skip some accessions. [Default: no skip].
  --acc-anno            Optional: Produce annotation sheets for each
                        accession. Project combined PEP for the whole project
                        won't be produced.
  --discard-soft        Optional: After creation of PEP files, all soft and
                        additional files will be deleted
  --const-limit-project CONST_LIMIT_PROJECT
                        Optional: Limit of the number of the constant sample
                        characters that should not be in project yaml.
                        [Default: 50]
  --const-limit-discard CONST_LIMIT_DISCARD
                        Optional: Limit of the number of the constant sample
                        characters that should not be discarded [Default: 250]
  --attr-limit-truncate ATTR_LIMIT_TRUNCATE
                        Optional: Limit of the number of sample characters.Any
                        attribute with more than X characters will truncate to
                        the first X, where X is a number of characters
                        [Default: 500]
  --add-dotfile         Optional: Add .pep.yaml file that points .yaml PEP
  --silent              Silence logging. Overrides verbosity.
  --verbosity V         Set logging level (1-5 or logging module level name)
  --logdev              Expand content of logging message format.

  -p, --processed       Download processed data [Default: download raw data].
  --data-source {all,samples,series}
                        Optional: Specifies the source of data on the GEO
                        record to retrieve processed data, which may be
                        attached to the collective series entity, or to
                        individual samples. Allowable values are: samples,
                        series or both (all). Ignored unless 'processed' flag
                        is set. [Default: samples]
  --filter FILTER       Optional: Filter regex for processed filenames
                        [Default: None].Ignored unless 'processed' flag is
  --filter-size FILTER_SIZE
                        Optional: Filter size for processed files that are
                        stored as sample repository [Default: None]. Works
                        only for sample data. Supported input formats : 12B,
                        12KB, 12MB, 12GB. Ignored unless 'processed' flag is
  -g GEO_FOLDER, --geo-folder GEO_FOLDER
                        Optional: Specify a location to store processed GEO
                        files. Ignored unless 'processed' flag is
                        set.[Default: $GEODATA:]

  -x, --split-experiments
                        Split SRR runs into individual samples. By default,
                        SRX experiments with multiple SRR Runs will have a
                        single entry in the annotation table, with each run as
                        a separate row in the subannotation table. This
                        setting instead treats each run as a separate sample
  -b BAM_FOLDER, --bam-folder BAM_FOLDER
                        Optional: Specify folder of bam files. Geofetch will
                        not download sra files when corresponding bam files
                        already exist. [Default: $SRABAM:]
  -f FQ_FOLDER, --fq-folder FQ_FOLDER
                        Optional: Specify folder of fastq files. Geofetch will
                        not download sra files when corresponding fastq files
                        already exist. [Default: $SRAFQ:]
  --use-key-subset      Use just the keys defined in this module when writing
                        out metadata.

Calling geofetch will do 4 tasks:

  1. download all .sra files from GSE##### into your SRA folder (wherever you have configured sratools to stick data).
  2. download all metadata from GEO and SRA and store in your metadata folder.
  3. produce a PEP-compatible sample table, PROJECT_NAME_annotation.csv, in your metadata folder.
  4. produce a PEP-compatible project configuration file, PROJECT_NAME_config.yaml, in your metadata folder.

Complete details about geofetch outputs is cataloged in the metadata outputs reference.

Download the data

First, create the metadata:

geofetch -i GSE67303 -n red_algae -m `pwd` --just-metadata
Metadata folder: /home/bnt4me/Virginia/repos/geof2/geofetch/docs_jupyter/red_algae
Trying GSE67303 (not a file) as accession...
Skipped 0 accessions. Starting now.
Processing accession 1 of 1: 'GSE67303'
--2022-07-08 12:39:24--
Resolving ( 2607:f220:41e:4290::110,
Connecting to (|2607:f220:41e:4290::110|:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [geo/text]
Saving to: ‘/home/bnt4me/Virginia/repos/geof2/geofetch/docs_jupyter/red_algae/GSE67303_GSE.soft’

/home/bnt4me/Virgin     [ <=>                ]   3.19K  --.-KB/s    in 0s

2022-07-08 12:39:24 (134 MB/s) - ‘/home/bnt4me/Virginia/repos/geof2/geofetch/docs_jupyter/red_algae/GSE67303_GSE.soft’ saved [3266]

--2022-07-08 12:39:24--
Resolving ( 2607:f220:41e:4290::110,
Connecting to (|2607:f220:41e:4290::110|:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [geo/text]
Saving to: ‘/home/bnt4me/Virginia/repos/geof2/geofetch/docs_jupyter/red_algae/GSE67303_GSM.soft’

/home/bnt4me/Virgin     [ <=>                ]  10.70K  --.-KB/s    in 0.05s

2022-07-08 12:39:24 (218 KB/s) - ‘/home/bnt4me/Virginia/repos/geof2/geofetch/docs_jupyter/red_algae/GSE67303_GSM.soft’ saved [10956]

Processed 4 samples.
Found SRA Project accession: SRP056574
Downloading SRP056574 sra metadata
Parsing SRA file to download SRR records
sample_name does not exist, creating new...
Getting SRR: SRR1930183 (SRX969073)
Dry run (no raw data will be download)
sample_name does not exist, creating new...
Getting SRR: SRR1930184 (SRX969074)
Dry run (no raw data will be download)
sample_name does not exist, creating new...
Getting SRR: SRR1930185 (SRX969075)
Dry run (no raw data will be download)
sample_name does not exist, creating new...
Getting SRR: SRR1930186 (SRX969076)
Dry run (no raw data will be download)
Finished processing 1 accession(s)
Creating complete project annotation sheets and config file...
Sample annotation sheet: /home/bnt4me/Virginia/repos/geof2/geofetch/docs_jupyter/red_algae/GSE67303_annotation.csv
Writing: /home/bnt4me/Virginia/repos/geof2/geofetch/docs_jupyter/red_algae/GSE67303_annotation.csv
  Config file: /home/bnt4me/Virginia/repos/geof2/geofetch/docs_jupyter/red_algae/GSE67303_config.yaml

The -m parameter specifies to use the current directory, storing the data according to the name (-n) parameter. So, we'll now have a red_alga subfolder, where the results will be saved. Inside that folder you'll see the output of the command:

ls red_algae
GSE67303_annotation.csv  GSE67303_GSE.soft  GSE67303_SRA.csv
GSE67303_config.yaml     GSE67303_GSM.soft

The .soft files are the direct output from GEO, which contain all the metadata as stored by GEO, for both the experiment (_GSE) and for the individual samples (_GSM). Geofetch also produces a csv file with the SRA metadata. The filtered version (ending in _filt) would contain only the specified subset of the samples if we didn't request them all, but in this case, since we only gave an accession, it is identical to the complete file.

Finally, there are the 2 files that make up the PEP: the _config.yaml file and the _annotation.csv file. Let's see what's in these files now.

cat red_algae/GSE67303_config.yaml
# Autogenerated by geofetch

name: GSE67303
pep_version: 2.1.0
sample_table: GSE67303_annotation.csv
subsample_table: null

  output_dir: GSE67303
  pipeline_interfaces: {pipeline_interfaces}

    Sample_growth_protocol_ch1: Cyanidioschyzon merolae cells were grown in 2xMA media
    Sample_data_processing: Supplementary_files_format_and_content: Excel spreadsheet includes FPKM values for Darkness and Blue-Light exposed samples with p and q values of cuffdiff output.
    Sample_extract_protocol_ch1: RNA libraries were prepared for sequencing using standard Illumina protocols
    Sample_treatment_protocol_ch1: Cells were exposed to blue-light (15 µmole m-2s-1) for 30 minutes
    SRR_files: SRA

    attributes: [read1, read2, SRR_files]
      SRA: "${SRABAM}/{SRR}.bam"
      FQ: "${SRAFQ}/{SRR}.fastq.gz"
      FQ1: "${SRAFQ}/{SRR}_1.fastq.gz"
      FQ2: "${SRAFQ}/{SRR}_2.fastq.gz"      
    - if: 
        organism: "Mus musculus"
        genome: mm10
    - if: 
        organism: "Homo sapiens"
        genome: hg38          
    - if: 
        read_type: "PAIRED"
        read1: FQ1
        read2: FQ2          
    - if: 
        read_type: "SINGLE"
        read1: FQ1

        results_subdir: sra_convert_results
          SRR_files: SRA
          pipeline_interfaces: ${CODE}/geofetch/pipeline_interface_convert.yaml
          attributes: [read1, read2, SRR_files]
            SRA: "${SRARAW}/{SRR}.sra"
            FQ: "${SRAFQ}/{SRR}.fastq.gz"
            FQ1: "${SRAFQ}/{SRR}_1.fastq.gz"
            FQ2: "${SRAFQ}/{SRR}_2.fastq.gz"

There are two important things to note in his file: First, see in the PEP that sample_table points to the csv file produced by geofetch. Second, look at the amendment called sra_convert. This adds a pipeline interface to the sra conversion pipeline, and adds derived attributes for SRA files and fastq files that rely on environment variables called $SRARAW and $SRAFQ. These environment variables should point to folders where you store your raw .sra files and the converted fastq files.

Now let's look at the first 100 characters of the csv file:

cut -c -100 red_algae/GSE67303_annotation.csv
Cm_BlueLight_Rep1,cDNA,Cyanidioschyzon merolae strain 10D,PAIRED,SRA,SRR1930183,SRX969073,Cm_BlueLig
Cm_BlueLight_Rep2,cDNA,Cyanidioschyzon merolae strain 10D,PAIRED,SRA,SRR1930184,SRX969074,Cm_BlueLig
Cm_Darkness_Rep1,cDNA,Cyanidioschyzon merolae strain 10D,PAIRED,SRA,SRR1930185,SRX969075,Cm_Darkness
Cm_Darkness_Rep2,cDNA,Cyanidioschyzon merolae strain 10D,PAIRED,SRA,SRR1930186,SRX969076,Cm_Darkness

Now let's download the actual data.

geofetch -i GSE67303 -n red_algae -m `pwd`
Metadata folder: /home/bnt4me/Virginia/repos/geof2/geofetch/docs_jupyter/red_algae
Trying GSE67303 (not a file) as accession...
Skipped 0 accessions. Starting now.
Processing accession 1 of 1: 'GSE67303'
Found previous GSE file: /home/bnt4me/Virginia/repos/geof2/geofetch/docs_jupyter/red_algae/GSE67303_GSE.soft
Found previous GSM file: /home/bnt4me/Virginia/repos/geof2/geofetch/docs_jupyter/red_algae/GSE67303_GSM.soft
Processed 4 samples.
Found SRA Project accession: SRP056574
Found SRA metadata, opening..
Parsing SRA file to download SRR records
sample_name does not exist, creating new...
Getting SRR: SRR1930183 (SRX969073)

2022-07-08T16:40:20 prefetch.2.11.2: Current preference is set to retrieve SRA Normalized Format files with full base quality scores.
2022-07-08T16:40:20 prefetch.2.11.2: 1) Downloading 'SRR1930183'...
2022-07-08T16:40:20 prefetch.2.11.2: SRA Normalized Format file is being retrieved, if this is different from your preference, it may be due to current file availability.
2022-07-08T16:40:20 prefetch.2.11.2:  Downloading via HTTPS...
2022-07-08T16:41:28 prefetch.2.11.2:  HTTPS download succeed
2022-07-08T16:41:28 prefetch.2.11.2:  'SRR1930183' is valid
2022-07-08T16:41:28 prefetch.2.11.2: 1) 'SRR1930183' was downloaded successfully
2022-07-08T16:41:28 prefetch.2.11.2: 'SRR1930183' has 0 unresolved dependencies
sample_name does not exist, creating new...
Getting SRR: SRR1930184 (SRX969074)

2022-07-08T16:41:39 prefetch.2.11.2: Current preference is set to retrieve SRA Normalized Format files with full base quality scores.
2022-07-08T16:41:40 prefetch.2.11.2: 1) Downloading 'SRR1930184'...
2022-07-08T16:41:40 prefetch.2.11.2: SRA Normalized Format file is being retrieved, if this is different from your preference, it may be due to current file availability.
2022-07-08T16:41:40 prefetch.2.11.2:  Downloading via HTTPS...
2022-07-08T16:42:43 prefetch.2.11.2:  HTTPS download succeed
2022-07-08T16:42:43 prefetch.2.11.2:  'SRR1930184' is valid
2022-07-08T16:42:43 prefetch.2.11.2: 1) 'SRR1930184' was downloaded successfully
2022-07-08T16:42:43 prefetch.2.11.2: 'SRR1930184' has 0 unresolved dependencies
sample_name does not exist, creating new...
Getting SRR: SRR1930185 (SRX969075)

2022-07-08T16:42:54 prefetch.2.11.2: Current preference is set to retrieve SRA Normalized Format files with full base quality scores.
2022-07-08T16:42:55 prefetch.2.11.2: 1) Downloading 'SRR1930185'...
2022-07-08T16:42:55 prefetch.2.11.2: SRA Normalized Format file is being retrieved, if this is different from your preference, it may be due to current file availability.
2022-07-08T16:42:55 prefetch.2.11.2:  Downloading via HTTPS...
2022-07-08T16:45:00 prefetch.2.11.2:  HTTPS download succeed
2022-07-08T16:45:00 prefetch.2.11.2:  'SRR1930185' is valid
2022-07-08T16:45:00 prefetch.2.11.2: 1) 'SRR1930185' was downloaded successfully
2022-07-08T16:45:00 prefetch.2.11.2: 'SRR1930185' has 0 unresolved dependencies
sample_name does not exist, creating new...
Getting SRR: SRR1930186 (SRX969076)

2022-07-08T16:45:11 prefetch.2.11.2: Current preference is set to retrieve SRA Normalized Format files with full base quality scores.
2022-07-08T16:45:12 prefetch.2.11.2: 1) Downloading 'SRR1930186'...
2022-07-08T16:45:12 prefetch.2.11.2: SRA Normalized Format file is being retrieved, if this is different from your preference, it may be due to current file availability.
2022-07-08T16:45:12 prefetch.2.11.2:  Downloading via HTTPS...
2022-07-08T16:46:49 prefetch.2.11.2:  HTTPS download succeed
2022-07-08T16:46:49 prefetch.2.11.2:  'SRR1930186' is valid
2022-07-08T16:46:49 prefetch.2.11.2: 1) 'SRR1930186' was downloaded successfully
2022-07-08T16:46:49 prefetch.2.11.2: 'SRR1930186' has 0 unresolved dependencies
Finished processing 1 accession(s)
Creating complete project annotation sheets and config file...
Sample annotation sheet: /home/bnt4me/Virginia/repos/geof2/geofetch/docs_jupyter/red_algae/GSE67303_annotation.csv
Writing: /home/bnt4me/Virginia/repos/geof2/geofetch/docs_jupyter/red_algae/GSE67303_annotation.csv
  Config file: /home/bnt4me/Virginia/repos/geof2/geofetch/docs_jupyter/red_algae/GSE67303_config.yaml

Finalize the project config and sample annotation

That's basically it! geofetch will have produced a general-purpose PEP for you, but you'll need to modify it for whatever purpose you have. For example, one common thing is to link to the pipeline you want to use by adding a pipeline_interface to the project config file. You may also need to adjust the sample_annotation file to make sure you have the right column names and attributes needed by the pipeline you're using. GEO submitters are notoriously bad at getting the metadata correct.

Selecting samples to download.

By default, geofetch downloads all the data for one accession of interest. If you need more fine-grained control, either because you have multiple accessions or you need a subset of samples within them, you can use the file-based sample specification.


  • Set an environment variable for $SRABAM (where .bam files will live), and geofetch will check to see if you have an already-converted bamfile there before issuing the command to download the sra file. In this way, you can delete old sra files after conversion and not have to worry about re-downloading them.

  • The config template uses an environment variable $SRARAW for where .sra files will live. If you set this variable to the same place you instructed sratoolkit to download sra files, you won't have to tweak the config file. For more information refer to the sratools page.

You can find a complete example of using geofetch for RNA-seq data.