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This project adheres to Semantic Versioning and Keep a Changelog format.

[2.1.0] - 2022-05-03

Version 2.1.0 relaxes a few constraints and adds a few new features. It is backwards-compatible with 2.1.0 so updated parsers should continue to work with old sample tables. No existing features were changed, only a few new options were added.


  • CSV-only PEPs: A YAML project configuration file is no longer required. A PEP may now be specified with only a CSV sample table file.
  • Multi-row samples. Originally, PEP required each row to correspond to a single sample, and attributes with multiple values for a sample were specified using subsample tables. Furthermore, samples tables required sample_name as the index column. In PEP 2.1.0, multi-value attributes may now be accomplished without subsample tables by specifying multiple rows with the same identifier. These rows will be automatically merged, and unique attribute values will be retained.
  • Sample index and subsample index columns may now be specified using new project attributes: sample_table_index and subsample_table_index.

[2.0.0] - 2020-05-26


  • Imports section allows linking to external PEP config files.
  • It is now possible to specify more than one amendment (which replaced subprojects).
  • Support for multiple subsample tables


  • The structure changed (no more metadata section, new sections for sample and project modifiers, config, etc).
  • Added a sample_modifiers section to house 5 modifiers: remove, append, duplicate, imply, and derive
  • Added a project_modifiers section to house amend and import
  • The structure for 'imply' now uses an if-then format instead of the previous format that was not readily interpretable
  • Subprojects are renamed amendments
  • Tool-specific sections for looper have been removed.

[1.0.0] - Legacy version

The original PEP specification was used from 2014 through 2020 with some minor, backwards-compatible updates. It was not versioned.